Chapter 6
Water Supply and Distribution




601.1 Scope.
This chapter shall govern the materials, design and installation of water supply systems, both hot and cold, for utilization in connection with human occupancy and habitation and shall govern the installation of individual water supply systems.

601.2 Solar energy utilization.
Solar energy systems used for heating potable water or using an independent medium for heating potable water shall comply with the applicable requirements of this code. The use of solar energy shall not compromise the requirements for cross connection or protection of the potable water supply system required by this code.

601.3 Existing piping used for grounding.
Existing metallic water service piping used for electrical grounding shall not be replaced with nonmetallic pipe or tubing until other approved means of grounding is provided.

601.4 Tests.
The potable water distribution system shall be tested in accordance with Section 312.5.


602.1 General.
Structures equipped with plumbing fixtures and utilized for human occupancy or habitation shall be provided with a potable supply of water in the amounts and at the pressures specified in this chapter.

602.2 Potable water required.
Only potable water shall be supplied to plumbing fixtures that provide water for drinking, bathing or culinary purposes, or for the processing of food, medical or pharmaceutical products. Unless otherwise provided in this code, potable water shall be supplied to all plumbing fixtures.

602.3 Individual water supply.
Where a potable public water supply is not available, individual sources of potable water supply shall be utilized.

602.3.1 Sources.
Dependent on geological and soil conditions and the amount of rainfall, individual water supplies are of the following types: drilled well, driven well, dug well, bored well, spring, stream or cistern. Surface bodies of water and land cisterns shall not be sources of individual water supply unless properly treated by approved means to prevent contamination.

602.3.2 Minimum quantity.
The combined capacity of the source and storage in an individual water supply system shall supply the fixtures with water at rates and pressures as required by this chapter.

602.3.3 Water quality.
Water from an individual water supply shall be approved as potable by the authority having jurisdiction prior to connection to the plumbing system.

602.3.4 Disinfection of system.
After construction or major repair, the individual water supply system shall be purged of deleterious matter and disinfected in accordance with Section 610.

602.3.5 Pumps.
Pumps shall be rated for the transport of potable water. Pumps in an individual water supply system shall be constructed and installed so as to prevent contamination from entering a potable water supply through the pump units. Pumps shall be sealed to the well casing or covered with a water-tight seal. Pumps shall be designed to maintain a prime and installed such that ready access is provided to the pump parts of the entire assembly for repairs.

602.3.5.1 Pump enclosure.
The pump room or enclosure around a well pump shall be drained and protected from freezing by heating or other approved means. Where pumps are installed in basements, such pumps shall be mounted on a block or shelf not less than 18 inches (457 mm) above the basement floor. Well pits shall be prohibited.


603.1 Size of water service pipe.
The water service pipe shall be sized to supply water to the structure in the quantities and at the pressures required in this code. The water service pipe shall be not less than 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) in diameter.

603.2 Separation of water service and building sewer.
Water service pipe and the building sewer shall be separated by not less than 5 feet (1524 mm) of undisturbed or compacted earth.


1. The required separation distance shall not apply where the bottom of the water service pipe within 5 feet (1524 mm) of the sewer is not less than 12 inches (305 mm) above the top of the highest point of the sewer and the pipe materials conform to Table 702.3.

2. Water service pipe is permitted to be located in the same trench with a building sewer, provided such sewer is constructed of materials listed in Table 702.2.

3. The required separation distance shall not apply where a water service pipe crosses a sewer pipe, provided the water service pipe is sleeved to a point not less than 5 feet (1524 mm) horizontally from the sewer pipe centerline on both sides of such crossing with pipe materials listed in Table 605.3, 702.2 or 702.3.

603.2.1 Water service near sources of pollution.
Potable water service pipes shall not be located in, under or above cesspools, septic tanks, septic tank drainage fields or seepage pits (see Section 605.1 for soil and groundwater conditions).


604.1 General.
The design of the water distribution system shall conform to accepted engineering practice. Methods utilized to determine pipe sizes shall be approved.

604.2 System interconnection.
At the points of interconnection between the hot and cold water supply piping systems and the individual fixtures, appliances or devices, provisions shall be made to prevent flow between such piping systems.

604.3 Water distribution system design criteria.
The water distribution system shall be designed, and pipe sizes shall be selected such that under conditions of peak demand, the capacities at the fixture supply pipe outlets shall not be less than shown in Table 604.3. The minimum flow rate and flow pressure provided to fixtures and appliances not listed in Table 604.3 shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.

TABLE 604.3

Bathtub, balanced-pressure, thermostatic or combination balanced-pressure/thermo-static mixing valve 4 20
Bidet, thermostatic mixing valve 2 20
Combination fixture 4 8
Dishwasher, residential 2.75 8
Drinking fountain 0.75 8
Laundry tray 4 8
Lavatory 2 8
Shower 3 8
Shower, balanced-pressure, thermostatic or combination balanced-pressure/thermo-static mixing valve 3 20
Sillcock, hose bibb 5 8
Sink, residential 2.5 8
Sink, service 3 8
Urinal, valve 12 25
Water closet, blow out, flushometer valve 25 45
Water closet, flushometer tank 1.6 20
Water closet, siphonic, flushometer valve 25 35
Water closet, tank, close coupled 3 20
Water closet, tank, one piece 6 20
For SI: 1 pound per square inch = 6.895 kPa,
1 gallon per minute = 3.785 L/m.
a. For additional requirements for flow rates and quantities, see Section 604.4.

604.4 Maximum flow and water consumption.
The maximum water consumption flow rates and quantities for all plumbing fixtures and fixture fittings shall be in accordance with Table 604.4.


1. Blowout design water closets having a water consumption not greater than 31/2 gallons (13 L) per flushing cycle.

2. Vegetable sprays.

3. Clinical sinks having a water consumption not greater than 41/2 gallons (17 L) per flushing cycle.

4. Service sinks.

5. Emergency showers.

TABLE 604.4

Lavatory, private 2.2 gpm at 60 psi
Lavatory, public (metering) 0.25 gallon per metering cycle
Lavatory, public
(other than metering)
0.5 gpm at 60 psi
Shower heada 2.5 gpm at 80 psi
Sink faucet 2.2 gpm at 60 psi
Urinal 1.0 gallon per flushing cycle
Water closet 1.6 gallons per flushing cycle
For SI: 1 gallon = 3.785 L, 1 gallon per minute = 3.785 L/m,
1 pound per square inch = 6.895 kPa.
a. A hand-held shower spray is a shower head.
b. Consumption tolerances shall be determined from referenced standards.

604.5 Size of fixture supply.
The minimum size of a fixture supply pipe shall be as shown in Table 604.5. The fixture supply pipe shall terminate not more than 30 inches (762 mm) from the point of connection to the fixture. A reduced-size flexible water connector installed between the supply pipe and the fixture shall be of an approved type. The supply pipe shall extend to the floor or wall adjacent to the fixture. The minimum size of individual distribution lines utilized in gridded or parallel water distribution systems shall be as shown in Table 604.5.

TABLE 604.5

Bathtubsa (60″ × 32″ and smaller) 1/2
Bathtubsa (larger than 60″ × 32″) 1/2
Bidet 3/8
Combination sink and tray 1/2
Dishwasher, domestica 1/2
Drinking fountain 3/8
Hose bibbs 1/2
Kitchen sinka 1/2
Laundry, 1, 2 or 3 compartmentsa 1/2
Lavatory 3/8
Shower, single heada 1/2
Sinks, flushing rim 3/4
Sinks, service 1/2
Urinal, flush tank 1/2
Urinal, flushometer valve 3/4
Wall hydrant 1/2
Water closet, flush tank 3/8
Water closet, flushometer valve 1
Water closet, flushometer tank 3/8
Water closet, one piecea 1/2
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm,
1 pound per square inch = 6.895 kPa.
a. Where the developed length of the distribution line is 60 feet or less, and the available pressure at the meter is 35 psi or greater, the minimum size of an individual distribution line supplied from a manifold and installed as part of a parallel water distribution system shall be one nominal tube size smaller than the sizes indicated.

604.6 Variable street pressures.
Where street water main pressures fluctuate, the building water distribution system shall be designed for the minimum pressure available.

604.7 Inadequate water pressure.
Wherever water pressure from the street main or other source of supply is insufficient to provide flow pressures at fixture outlets as required under Table 604.3, a water pressure booster system conforming to Section 606.5 shall be installed on the building water supply system.

604.8 Water pressure reducing valve or regulator.
Where water pressure within a building exceeds 80 psi (552 kPa) static, an approved water-pressure reducing valve conforming to ASSE 1003 or CSA B356 with strainer shall be installed to reduce the pressure in the building water distribution piping to not greater than 80 psi (552 kPa) static.

Exception: Service lines to sill cocks and outside hydrants, and main supply risers where pressure from the mains is reduced to 80 psi (552 kPa) or less at individual fixtures.

604.8.1 Valve design.
The pressure-reducing valve shall be designed to remain open to permit uninterrupted water flow in case of valve failure.

604.8.2 Repair and removal.
Water-pressure reducing valves, regulators and strainers shall be so constructed and installed as to permit repair or removal of parts without breaking a pipeline or removing the valve and strainer from the pipeline.

604.9 Water hammer.
The flow velocity of the water distribution system shall be controlled to reduce the possibility of water hammer. A water-hammer arrestor shall be installed where quick-closing valves are utilized. Water-hammer arrestors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Water-hammer arrestors shall conform to ASSE 1010.

604.10 Gridded and parallel water distribution system manifolds.
Hot water and cold water manifolds installed with gridded or parallel connected individual distribution lines to each fixture or fixture fitting shall be designed in accordance with Sections 604.10.1 through 604.10.3.

604.10.1 Manifold sizing.
Hot water and cold water manifolds shall be sized in accordance with Table 604.10.1. The total gallons per minute is the demand of all outlets supplied.

TABLE 604.10.1

Velocity at 4 feet
per second
Velocity at 8 feet
per second
1/2 2 5
3/4 6 11
1 10 20
11/4 15 31
11/2 22 44
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 gallon per minute = 3.785 L/m,
1 foot per second = 0.305 m/s.

604.10.2 Valves.
Individual fixture shutoff valves installed at the manifold shall be identified as to the fixture being supplied.

604.10.3 Access.
Access shall be provided to manifolds with integral factory- or field-installed valves.

604.11 Individual pressure balancing in-line valves for individual fixture fittings.
Where individual pressure balancing in-line valves for individual fixture fittings are installed, such valves shall comply with ASSE 1066. Such valves shall be installed in an accessible location and shall not be utilized alone as a substitute for the balanced pressure, thermostatic or combination shower valves required in Section 424.3.


605.1 Soil and ground water.
The installation of a water service or water distribution pipe shall be prohibited in soil and ground water contaminated with solvents, fuels, organic compounds or other detrimental materials causing permeation, corrosion, degradation or structural failure of the piping material. Where detrimental conditions are suspected, a chemical analysis of the soil and ground water conditions shall be required to ascertain the acceptability of the water service or water distribution piping material for the specific installation. Where detrimental conditions exist, approved alternative materials or routing shall be required.

605.2 Lead content of water supply pipe and fittings.
Pipe and pipe fittings, including valves and faucets, utilized in the water supply system shall have a maximum of 8-percent lead content.

605.3 Water service pipe.
Water service pipe shall conform to NSF 61 and shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 605.3. Water service pipe or tubing, installed underground and outside of the structure, shall have a working pressure rating of not less than 160 psi (1100 kPa) at 73.4°F (23°C). Where the water pressure exceeds 160 psi (1100 kPa), piping material shall have a working pressure rating not less than the highest available pressure. Water service piping materials not third-party certified for water distribution shall terminate at or before the full open valve located at the entrance to the structure. All ductile iron water service piping shall be cement mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C104.

TABLE 605.3

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic pipe ASTM D 1527; ASTM D 2282
Asbestos-cement pipe ASTM C 296
Brass pipe ASTM B 43
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) plastic pipe ASTM D 2846; ASTM F 441; ASTM F 442; CSA B137.6
Copper or copper-alloy pipe ASTM B 42; ASTM B 302
Copper or copper-alloy tubing (Type K, WK, L, WL, M or WM) ASTM B 75; ASTM B 88; ASTM B 251; ASTM B 447
Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) plastic pipe and tubing ASTM F 876; ASTM F 877; AWWA C904; CSA B137.5
Cross-linked polyethylene/aluminum/cross-linked polyethylene
(PEX-AL-PEX) pipe
ASTM F 1281; ASTM F 2262; CSA B137.10M
Cross-linked polyethylene/aluminum/high-density polyethylene
ASTM F 1986
Ductile iron water pipe AWWA C151/A21.51; AWWA C115/A21.15
Galvanized steel pipe ASTM A 53
Polyethylene (PE) plastic pipe ASTM D 2239; ASTM D 3035; AWWA C901; CSA B137.1
Polyethylene (PE) plastic tubing ASTM D 2737; AWWA C901; CSA B137.1
Polyethylene/aluminum/polethylene (PE-AL-PE) pipe ASTM F 1282; CSA B137.9
Polyethylene of raised temperature (PE-RT) plastic tubing ASTM F 2769
Polypropylene (PP) plastic pipe or tubing ASTM F 2389; CSA B137.11
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe ASTM D 1785; ASTM D 2241; ASTM D 2672; CSA B137.3
Stainless steel pipe (Type 304/304L) ASTM A 312; ASTM A 778
Stainless steel pipe (Type 316/316L) ASTM A 312; ASTM A 778

605.3.1 Dual check-valve-type backflow preventer.
Dual check-valve backflow preventers installed on the water supply system shall comply with ASSE 1024 or CSA B64.6.

605.4 Water distribution pipe.
Water distribution pipe shall conform to NSF 61 and shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 605.4. Hot water distribution pipe and tubing shall have a pressure rating of not less than 100 psi (690 kPa) at 180°F (82°C).

TABLE 605.4

Brass pipe ASTM B 43
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) plastic pipe and tubing ASTM D 2846; ASTM F 441; ASTM F 442; CSA B137.6
Copper or copper-alloy pipe ASTM B 42; ASTM B 302
Copper or copper-alloy tubing (Type K, WK, L, WL, M or WM) ASTM B 75; ASTM B 88; ASTM B 251; ASTM B 447
Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) plastic tubing ASTM F 876; ASTM F 877; CSA B137.5
Cross-linked polyethylene/aluminum/cross-linked polyethylene
(PEX-AL-PEX) pipe
ASTM F 1281; ASTM F 2262; CSA B137.10M
Cross-linked polyethylene/aluminum/high-density polyethylene
ASTM F 1986
Ductile iron pipe AWWA C151/A21.51; AWWA C115/A21.15
Galvanized steel pipe ASTM A 53
Polyethylene/aluminum/polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) composite pipe ASTM F 1282
Polyethylene of raised temperature (PE-RT) plastic tubing ASTM F 2769
Polypropylene (PP) plastic pipe or tubing ASTM F 2389; CSA B137.11
Stainless steel pipe (Type 304/304L) ASTM A 312; ASTM A 778
Stainless steel pipe (Type 316/316L) ASTM A 312; ASTM A 778

605.5 Fittings.
Pipe fittings shall be approved for installation with the piping material installed and shall comply with the applicable standards listed in Table 605.5. Pipe fittings utilized in water supply systems shall also comply with NSF 61. Ductile and gray iron pipe fittings shall be cement mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C104.

TABLE 605.5

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) plastic ASTM D 2468
Cast-iron ASME B16.4; ASME B16.12
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) plastic ASSE 1061; ASTM D 2846; ASTM F 437; ASTM F 438; ASTM F 439; CSA B137.6
Copper or copper alloy ASSE 1061; ASME B16.15; ASME B16.18; ASME B16.22; ASME B16.23; ASME B16.26; ASME B16.29
Cross-linked polyethylene/aluminum/high-density polyethylene
ASTM F 1986
Fittings for cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) plastic tubing ASSE 1061, ASTM F 877; ASTM F 1807; ASTM F 1960; ASTM F 2080; ASTM F 2098, ASTM F 2159; ASTM F 2434; ASTM F 2735; CSA B137.5
Fittings for polyethylene of raised temperature (PE-RT) plastic tubing ASTM F 1807; ASTM F 2098; ASTM F 2159; ASTM F 2735
Gray iron and ductile iron AWWA C110/A21.10; AWWA C153/A21.53
Insert fittings for polyethylene/aluminum/polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) and cross-linked polyethylene/aluminum/cross-linked polyethylene
ASTM F 1974; ASTM F1281; ASTM F1282; CSA B137.9; CSA B137.10M
Malleable iron ASME B16.3
Metal (brass) insert fittings for
polyethylene/aluminum/polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) and cross-linked
polyethylene/aluminum/cross-linked polyethylene (PEX-AL-PEX)
ASTM F 1974
Polyethylene (PE) plastic pipe ASTM D 2609; ASTM D 2683; ASTM D 3261;
ASTM F 1055; CSA B137.1
Polypropylene (PP) plastic pipe or tubing ASTM F 2389; CSA B137.11
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic ASTM D 2464; ASTM D 2466; ASTM D 2467; CSA B137.2; CSA B137.3
Stainless steel (Type 304/304L) ASTM A 312; ASTM A 778
Stainless steel (Type 316/316L) ASTM A 312; ASTM A 778
Steel ASME B16.9; ASME B16.11; ASME B16.28

605.5.1 Mechanically formed tee fittings.
Mechanically extracted outlets shall have a height not less than three times the thickness of the branch tube wall.

605.5.1.1 Full flow assurance.
Branch tubes shall not restrict the flow in the run tube. A dimple/depth stop shall be formed in the branch tube to ensure that penetration into the collar is of the correct depth. For inspection purposes, a second dimple shall be placed 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) above the first dimple. Dimples shall be aligned with the tube run.

605.5.1.2 Brazed joints.
Mechanically formed tee fittings shall be brazed in accordance with Section 605.14.1.

605.6 Flexible water connectors.
Flexible water connectors exposed to continuous pressure shall conform to ASME A112.18.6/CSA B125.6. Access shall be provided to all flexible water connectors.

605.7 Valves.
All valves shall be of an approved type and compatible with the type of piping material installed in the system. Ball valves, gate valves, globe valves and plug valves intended to supply drinking water shall meet the requirements of NSF 61.

605.8 Manufactured pipe nipples.
Manufactured pipe nipples shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 605.8.

TABLE 605.8

Brass-, copper-, chromium-plated ASTM B 687
Steel ASTM A 733

605.9 Prohibited joints and connections.
The following types of joints and connections shall be prohibited:

1. Cement or concrete joints.

2. Joints made with fittings not approved for the specific installation.

3. Solvent-cement joints between different types of plastic pipe.

4. Saddle-type fittings.

605.10 ABS plastic.
Joints between ABS plastic pipe or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.10.1 through 605.10.3.

605.10.1 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints on water pipes shall be made with an elastomeric seal conforming to ASTM D 3139. Mechanical joints shall only be installed in underground systems, unless otherwise approved. Joints shall be installed only in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.10.2 Solvent cementing.
Joint surfaces shall be clean and free from moisture. Solvent cement that conforms to ASTM D 2235 shall be applied to all joint surfaces. The joint shall be made while the cement is wet. Joints shall be made in accordance with ASTM D 2235. Solvent-cement joints shall be permitted above or below ground.

605.10.3 Threaded joints.
Threads shall conform to ASME B1.20.1. Schedule 80 or heavier pipe shall be permitted to be threaded with dies specifically designed for plastic pipe. Approved thread lubricant or tape shall be applied on the male threads only.

605.11 Asbestos-cement.
Joints between asbestos-cement pipe or fittings shall be made with a sleeve coupling of the same composition as the pipe, sealed with an elastomeric ring conforming to ASTM D 1869.

605.12 Brass.
Joints between brass pipe and fittings shall comply with Sections 605.12.1 through 605.12.4.

605.12.1 Brazed joints.
All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. An approved flux shall be applied where required. The joint shall be brazed with a filler metal conforming to AWS A5.8.

605.12.2 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.12.3 Threaded joints.
Threads shall conform to ASME B1.20.1. Pipe-joint compound or tape shall be applied on the male threads only.

605.12.4 Welded joints.
All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. The joint shall be welded with an approved filler metal.

605.13 Gray iron and ductile iron joints.
Joints for gray and ductile iron pipe and fittings shall comply with AWWA C111 and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.14 Copper pipe.
Joints between copper or copper-alloy pipe or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.14.1 through 605.14.5.

605.14.1 Brazed joints.
All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. An approved flux shall be applied where required. The joint shall be brazed with a filler metal conforming to AWS A5.8.

605.14.2 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.14.3 Soldered joints.
Solder joints shall be made in accordance with the methods of ASTM B 828. Cut tube ends shall be reamed to the full inside diameter of the tube end. Joint surfaces shall be cleaned. A flux conforming to ASTM B 813 shall be applied. The joint shall be soldered with a solder conforming to ASTM B 32. The joining of water supply piping shall be made with lead-free solder and fluxes. “Lead free” shall mean a chemical composition equal to or less than 0.2-percent lead.

605.14.4 Threaded joints.
Threads shall conform to ASME B1.20.1. Pipe-joint compound or tape shall be applied on the male threads only.

605.14.5 Welded joints.
Joint surfaces shall be cleaned. The joint shall be welded with an approved filler metal.

605.15 Copper tubing.
Joints between copper or copper-alloy tubing or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.15.1 through 605.15.4.

605.15.1 Brazed joints.
Joint surfaces shall be cleaned. An approved flux shall be applied where required. The joint shall be brazed with a filler metal conforming to AWS A5.8.

605.15.2 Flared joints.
Flared joints for water pipe shall be made by a tool designed for that operation.

605.15.3 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.15.4 Soldered joints.
Solder joints shall be made in accordance with the methods of ASTM B 828. All cut tube ends shall be reamed to the full inside diameter of the tube end. All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. A flux conforming to ASTM B 813 shall be applied. The joint shall be soldered with a solder conforming to ASTM B 32. The joining of water supply piping shall be made with lead-free solders and fluxes. “Lead free” shall mean a chemical composition equal to or less than 0.2-percent lead.

605.16 CPVC plastic.
Joints between CPVC plastic pipe or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.16.1 through 605.16.3.

605.16.1 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.16.2 Solvent cementing.
Joint surfaces shall be clean and free from moisture, and an approved primer shall be applied. Solvent cement, orange in color and conforming to ASTM F 493, shall be applied to joint surfaces. The joint shall be made while the cement is wet, and in accordance with ASTM D 2846 or ASTM F 493. Solvent-cement joints shall be permitted above or below ground.

Exception: A primer is not required where all of the following conditions apply:

1. The solvent cement used is third-party certified as conforming to ASTM F 493.

2. The solvent cement used is yellow in color.

3. The solvent cement is used only for joining 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) through 2 inch (51 mm) diameter CPVC pipe and fittings.

4. The CPVC pipe and fittings are manufactured in accordance with ASTM D 2846.

605.16.3 Threaded joints.
Threads shall conform to ASME B1.20.1. Schedule 80 or heavier pipe shall be permitted to be threaded with dies specifically designed for plastic pipe, but the pressure rating of the pipe shall be reduced by 50 percent. Thread by socket molded fittings shall be permitted. Approved thread lubricant or tape shall be applied on the male threads only.

605.17 Cross-linked polyethylene plastic.
Joints between cross-linked polyethylene plastic tubing or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.17.1 and 605.17.2.

605.17.1 Flared joints.
Flared pipe ends shall be made by a tool designed for that operation.

605.17.2 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Fittings for cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) plastic tubing shall comply with the applicable standards listed in Table 605.5 and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. PEX tubing shall be factory marked with the appropriate standards for the fittings that the PEX manufacturer specifies for use with the tubing.

605.18 Steel.
Joints between galvanized steel pipe or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.18.1 and 605.18.2.

605.18.1 Threaded joints.
Threads shall conform to ASME B1.20.1. Pipe-joint compound or tape shall be applied on the male threads only.

605.18.2 Mechanical joints.
Joints shall be made with an approved elastomeric seal. Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.19 Polyethylene plastic.
Joints between polyethylene plastic pipe and tubing or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.19.1 through 605.19.4.

605.19.1 Flared joints.
Flared joints shall be permitted where so indicated by the pipe manufacturer. Flared joints shall be made by a tool designed for that operation.

605.19.2 Heat-fusion joints.
Joint surfaces shall be clean and free from moisture. All joint surfaces shall be heated to melt temperature and joined. The joint shall be undisturbed until cool. Joints shall be made in accordance with ASTM D 2657.

605.19.3 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.19.4 Installation.
Polyethylene pipe shall be cut square, with a cutter designed for plastic pipe. Except where joined by heat fusion, pipe ends shall be chamfered to remove sharp edges. Kinked pipe shall not be installed. The minimum pipe bending radius shall not be less than 30 pipe diameters, or the minimum coil radius, whichever is greater. Piping shall not be bent beyond straightening of the curvature of the coil. Bends shall not be permitted within 10 pipe diameters of any fitting or valve. Stiffener inserts installed with compression-type couplings and fittings shall not extend beyond the clamp or nut of the coupling or fitting.

605.20 Polypropylene (PP) plastic.
Joints between PP plastic pipe and fittings shall comply with Section 605.20.1 or 605.20.2.

605.20.1 Heat-fusion joints.
Heat-fusion joints for polypropylene pipe and tubing joints shall be installed with socket-type heat-fused polypropylene fittings, butt-fusion polypropylene fittings or electrofusion polypropylene fittings. Joint surfaces shall be clean and free from moisture. The joint shall be undisturbed until cool. Joints shall be made in accordance with ASTM F 2389.

605.20.2 Mechanical and compression sleeve joints.
Mechanical and compression sleeve joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.21 Polyethylene/aluminum/polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) and cross-linked polyethylene/aluminum/cross-linked polyethylene (PEX-AL-PEX).
Joints between PE-AL-PE and PEX-AL-PEX pipe and fittings shall comply with Section 605.21.1.

605.21.1 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Fittings for PE-AL-PE and PEX-AL-PEX as described in ASTM F 1974, ASTM F 1281, ASTM F 1282, CSA B137.9 and CSA B137.10M shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.22 PVC plastic.
Joints between PVC plastic pipe or fittings shall comply with Sections 605.22.1 through 605.22.3.

605.22.1 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints on water pipe shall be made with an elastomeric seal conforming to ASTM D 3139. Mechanical joints shall not be installed in above-ground systems unless otherwise approved. Joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.22.2 Solvent cementing.
Joint surfaces shall be clean and free from moisture. A purple primer that conforms to ASTM F 656 shall be applied. Solvent cement not purple in color and conforming to ASTM D 2564 or CSA B137.3 shall be applied to all joint surfaces. The joint shall be made while the cement is wet and shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2855. Solvent-cement joints shall be permitted above or below ground.

605.22.3 Threaded joints.
Threads shall conform to ASME B1.20.1. Schedule 80 or heavier pipe shall be permitted to be threaded with dies specifically designed for plastic pipe, but the pressure rating of the pipe shall be reduced by 50 percent. Thread by socket molded fittings shall be permitted. Approved thread lubricant or tape shall be applied on the male threads only.

605.23 Stainless steel.
Joints between stainless steel pipe and fittings shall comply with Sections 605.23.1 and 605.23.2.

605.23.1 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.23.2 Welded joints.
All joint surfaces shall be cleaned. The joint shall be welded autogenously or with an approved filler metal as referenced in ASTM A 312.

605.24 Joints between different materials.
Joints between different piping materials shall be made with a mechanical joint of the compression or mechanical-sealing type, or as permitted in Sections 605.24.1, 605.24.2 and 605.24.3. Connectors or adapters shall have an elastomeric seal conforming to ASTM D 1869 or ASTM F 477. Joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

605.24.1 Copper or copper-alloy tubing to galvanized steel pipe.
Joints between copper or copper-alloy tubing and galvanized steel pipe shall be made with a brass fitting or dielectric fitting or a dielectric union conforming to ASSE 1079. The copper tubing shall be soldered to the fitting in an approved manner, and the fitting shall be screwed to the threaded pipe.

605.24.2 Plastic pipe or tubing to other piping material.
Joints between different grades of plastic pipe or between plastic pipe and other piping material shall be made with an approved adapter fitting.

605.24.3 Stainless steel.
Joints between stainless steel and different piping materials shall be made with a mechanical joint of the compression or mechanical sealing type or a dielectric fitting or a dielectric union conforming to ASSE 1079.

605.25 Polyethylene of raised temperature plastic.
Joints between polyethylene of raised temperature plastic tubing and fittings shall be in accordance with Sections 605.25.1 and 605.25.2.

605.25.1 Flared joints.
Flared pipe ends shall be made by a tool designed for that operation.

605.25.2 Mechanical joints.
Mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Fittings for polyethylene of raised temperature plastic tubing shall comply with the applicable standards listed in Table 605.5 and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Polyethylene of raised temperature plastic tubing shall be factory marked with the applicable standards for the fittings that the manufacturer of the tubing specifies for use with the tubing.


606.1 Location of full-open valves.
Full-open valves shall be installed in the following locations:

1. On the building water service pipe from the public water supply near the curb.

2. On the water distribution supply pipe at the entrance into the structure.

3. On the discharge side of every water meter.

4. On the base of every water riser pipe in occupancies other than multiple-family residential occupancies that are two stories or less in height and in one- and two-family residential occupancies.

5. On the top of every water down-feed pipe in occupancies other than one- and two-family residential occupancies.

6. On the entrance to every water supply pipe to a dwelling unit, except where supplying a single fixture equipped with individual stops.

7. On the water supply pipe to a gravity or pressurized water tank.

8. On the water supply pipe to every water heater.

606.2 Location of shutoff valves.
Shutoff valves shall be installed in the following locations:

1. On the fixture supply to each plumbing fixture other than bathtubs and showers in one- and two-family residential occupancies, and other than in individual sleeping units that are provided with unit shutoff valves in hotels, motels, boarding houses and similar occupancies.

2. On the water supply pipe to each sillcock.

3. On the water supply pipe to each appliance or mechanical equipment.

606.3 Access to valves.
Access shall be provided to all full-open valves and shutoff valves.

606.4 Valve identification.
Service and hose bibb valves shall be identified. All other valves installed in locations that are not adjacent to the fixture or appliance shall be identified, indicating the fixture or appliance served.

606.5 Water pressure booster systems.
Water pressure booster systems shall be provided as required by Sections 606.5.1 through 606.5.10.

606.5.1 Water pressure booster systems required.
Where the water pressure in the public water main or individual water supply system is insufficient to supply the minimum pressures and quantities specified in this code, the supply shall be supplemented by an elevated water tank, a hydropneumatic pressure booster system or a water pressure booster pump installed in accordance with Section 606.5.5.

606.5.2 Support.
All water supply tanks shall be supported in accordance with the International Building Code.

606.5.3 Covers.
All water supply tanks shall be covered to keep out unauthorized persons, dirt and vermin. The covers of gravity tanks shall be vented with a return bend vent pipe with an area not less than the area of the down-feed riser pipe, and the vent shall be screened with a corrosion-resistant screen of not less than 16 by 20 mesh per inch (630 by 787 mesh per m).

606.5.4 Overflows for water supply tanks.
A gravity or suction water supply tank shall be provided with an overflow with a diameter not less than that shown in Table 606.5.4. The overflow outlet shall discharge at a point not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the roof or roof drain; floor or floor drain; or over an open water-supplied fixture. The overflow outlet shall be covered with a corrosion-resistant screen of not less than 16 by 20 mesh per inch (630 by 787 mesh per m) and by 1/4-inch (6.4 mm) hardware cloth or shall terminate in a horizontal angle seat check valve. Drainage from overflow pipes shall be directed so as not to freeze on roof walks.

TABLE 606.5.4

0 – 50 2
50 – 150 21/2
150 – 200 3
200 – 400 4
400 – 700 5
700 – 1,000 6
Over 1,000 8
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 gallon per minute = 3.785 L/m.

606.5.5 Low-pressure cutoff required on booster pumps.
A low-pressure cutoff shall be installed on all booster pumps in a water pressure booster system to prevent creation of a vacuum or negative pressure on the suction side of the pump when a positive pressure of 10 psi (68.94 kPa) or less occurs on the suction side of the pump.

606.5.6 Potable water inlet control and location.
Potable water inlets to gravity tanks shall be controlled by a fill valve or other automatic supply valve installed so as to prevent the tank from overflowing. The inlet shall be terminated so as to provide an air gap not less than 4 inches (102 mm) above the overflow.

606.5.7 Tank drain pipes.
A valved pipe shall be provided at the lowest point of each tank to permit emptying of the tank. The tank drain pipe shall discharge as required for overflow pipes and shall not be smaller in size than specified in Table 606.5.7.

TABLE 606.5.7

TANK CAPACITY (gallons) DRAIN PIPE (inches)
Up to 750 1
751 to 1,500 11/2
1,501 to 3,000 2
3,001 to 5,000 21/2
5,000 to 7,500 3
Over 7,500 4
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 gallon = 3.785 L.

606.5.8 Prohibited location of potable supply tanks.
Potable water gravity tanks or manholes of potable water pressure tanks shall not be located directly under any soil or waste piping or any source of contamination.

606.5.9 Pressure tanks, vacuum relief.
All water pressure tanks shall be provided with a vacuum relief valve at the top of the tank that will operate up to a maximum water pressure of 200 psi (1380 kPa) and up to a maximum temperature of 200°F (93°C). The size of such vacuum relief valve shall be not less than 1/2 inch (12.7 mm).

Exception: This section shall not apply to pressurized captive air diaphragm/bladder tanks.

606.5.10 Pressure relief for tanks.
Every pressure tank in a hydropneumatic pressure booster system shall be protected with a pressure relief valve. The pressure relief valve shall be set at a maximum pressure equal to the rating of the tank. The relief valve shall be installed on the supply pipe to the tank or on the tank. The relief valve shall discharge by gravity to a safe place of disposal.

606.6 Water supply system test.
Upon completion of a section of or the entire water supply system, the system, or portion completed, shall be tested in accordance with Section 312.

606.7 Labeling of water distribution pipes in bundles.
Where water distribution piping is bundled at installation, each pipe in the bundle shall be indentified using stenciling or commercially available pipe labels. The identification shall indicate the pipe contents and the direction of flow in the pipe. The interval of the identification markings on the pipe shall not exceed 25 feet (7620 mm). There shall be not less than one identification label on each pipe in each room, space or story.


607.1 Where required.
In residential occupancies, hot water shall be supplied to plumbing fixtures and equipment utilized for bathing, washing, culinary purposes, cleansing, laundry or building maintenance. In nonresidential occupancies, hot water shall be supplied for culinary purposes, cleansing, laundry or building maintenance purposes. In nonresidential occupancies, hot water or tempered water shall be supplied for bathing and washing purposes.

607.1.1 Temperature limiting means.
A thermostat control for a water heater shall not serve as the temperature limiting means for the purposes of complying with the requirements of this code for maximum allowable hot or tempered water delivery temperature at fixtures.

607.1.2 Tempered water temperature control.
Tempered water shall be supplied through a water temperature limiting device that conforms to ASSE 1070 and shall limit the tempered water to a maximum of 110°F (43°C). This provision shall not supersede the requirement for protective shower valves in accordance with Section 424.3.

607.2 Hot or tempered water supply to fixtures.
The developed length of hot or tempered water piping, from the source of hot water to the fixtures that require hot or tempered water, shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm). Recirculating system piping and heat-traced piping shall be considered to be sources of hot or tempered water.


[E] 607.2.1 Hot water system controls.
Automatic circulating hot water system pumps or heat trace shall be arranged to be conveniently turned off, automatically or manually, when the hot water system is not in operation.

607.2.2 Recirculating pump.
Where a thermostatic mixing valve is used in a system with a hot water recirculating pump, the hot water or tempered water return line shall be routed to the cold water inlet pipe of the water heater and the cold water inlet pipe or the hot water return connection of the thermostatic mixing valve.

607.3 Thermal expansion control.
A means of controlling increased pressure caused by thermal expansion shall be provided where required in accordance with Sections 607.3.1 and 607.3.2.

607.3.1 Pressure-reducing valve.
For water service system sizes up to and including 2 inches (51 mm), a device for controlling pressure shall be installed where, because of thermal expansion, the pressure on the downstream side of a pressure-reducing valve exceeds the pressure-reducing valve setting.

607.3.2 Backflow prevention device or check valve.
Where a backflow prevention device, check valve or other device is installed on a water supply system utilizing storage water heating equipment such that thermal expansion causes an increase in pressure, a device for controlling pressure shall be installed.

607.4 Flow of hot water to fixtures.
Fixture fittings, faucets and diverters shall be installed and adjusted so that the flow of hot water from the fittings corresponds to the left-hand side of the fixture fitting.

Exception: Shower and tub/shower mixing valves conforming to ASSE 1016 or ASME A112.18.1/CSA B125.1, where the flow of hot water corresponds to the markings on the device.

[E] 607.5 Pipe insulation.
Hot water piping in automatic temperature maintenance systems shall be insulated with 1 inch (25 mm) of insulation having a conductivity not exceeding 0.27 Btu per inch/h • ft2• °F (1.53 W per 25 mm/m2• K). The first 8 feet (2438 mm) of hot water piping from a hot water source that does not have heat traps shall be insulated with 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) of material having a conductivity not exceeding 0.27 Btu per inch/h • ft2• °F (1.53 W per 25 mm/m2• K).


608.1 General.
A potable water supply system shall be designed, installed and maintained in such a manner so as to prevent contamination from nonpotable liquids, solids or gases being introduced into the potable water supply through cross-connections or any other piping connections to the system. Backflow preventer applications shall conform to Table 608.1, except as specifically stated in Sections 608.2 through 608.16.10.

TABLE 608.1

Air gap High or low hazard Backsiphonage or backpressure ASME A112.1.2
Air gap fittings for use with plumbing
fixtures, appliances and appurtenances
High or low hazard Backsiphonage or backpressure ASME A112.1.3
Antisiphon-type fill valves for gravity
water closet flush tanks
High hazard Backsiphonage only ASSE 1002, CSA B125.3
Backflow preventer for carbonated
beverage machines
Low hazard Backpressure or backsiphonage
Sizes 1/4″ – 3/8
ASSE 1022
Backflow preventer with intermediate
atmospheric vents
Low hazard Backpressure or backsiphonage
Sizes 1/4″–3/4
ASSE 1012, CSA B64.3
Barometric loop High or low hazard Backsiphonage only (See Section 608.13.4)
Double check backflow prevention
assembly and double check fire
protection backflow prevention assembly
Low hazard Backpressure or backsiphonage
Sizes 3/8″ –16″
ASSE 1015, AWWA C510, CSA B64.5, CSA B64.5.1
Double check detector fire protection
backflow prevention assemblies
Low hazard Backpressure or backsiphonage
(Fire sprinkler systems)
Sizes 2″–16″
ASSE 1048
Dual-check-valve-type backflow preventer Low hazard Backpressure or backsiphonage
Sizes 1/4″–1″
ASSE 1024, CSA B64.6
Hose connection backflow preventer High or low hazard Low head backpressure, rated
working pressure,
or backsiphonage Sizes 1/2″–1″
ASSE 1052, CSA B64.2.1.1
Hose connection vacuum breaker High or low hazard Low head backpressure or
Sizes 1/2″,3/4″, 1″
ASSE 1011, CSA B64.2, CSA B64.2.1
Laboratory faucet backflow preventer High or low hazard Low head backpressure and
ASSE 1035, CSA B64.7
Pipe-applied atmospheric-type vacuum
High or low hazard Backsiphonage only
Sizes 1/4″–4″
ASSE 1001, CSA B64.1.1
Pressure vacuum breaker assembly High or low hazard Backsiphonage only
Sizes 1/2″–2″
ASSE 1020, CSA B64.1.2
Reduced pressure principle backflow
prevention assembly and reduced pressure principle fire protection backflow prevention assembly
High or low hazard Backpressure or backsiphonage
Sizes 3/8″–16
ASSE 1013, AWWA C511, CSA B64.4, CSA B64.4.1
Reduced pressure detector fire protection
backflow prevention assemblies
High or low hazard Backsiphonage or backpressure
(Fire sprinkler systems)
ASSE 1047
Spill-resistant vacuum breaker assembly High or low hazard Backsiphonage only
Sizes 1/4″–2″
ASSE 1056
Vacuum breaker wall hydrants,
frost-resistant, automatic draining type
High or low hazard Low head backpressure or
Sizes 3/4″, 1″
ASSE 1019, CSA B64.2.2
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
a. Low hazard—See Pollution (Section 202).
High hazard—See Contamination (Section 202).
b. See Backpressure (Section 202).
See Backpressure, low head (Section 202).
See Backsiphonage (Section 202).

608.2 Plumbing fixtures.
The supply lines and fittings for plumbing fixtures shall be installed so as to prevent backflow. Plumbing fixture fittings shall provide backflow protection in accordance with ASME A112.18.1/CSA B125.1.

608.3 Devices, appurtenances, appliances and apparatus.
Devices, appurtenances, appliances and apparatus intended to serve some special function, such as sterilization, distillation, processing, cooling, or storage of ice or foods, and that connect to the water supply system, shall be provided with protection against backflow and contamination of the water supply system. Water pumps, filters, softeners, tanks and other appliances and devices that handle or treat potable water shall be protected against contamination.

608.3.1 Special equipment, water supply protection.
The water supply for hospital fixtures shall be protected against backflow with a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly, an atmospheric or spill-resistant vacuum breaker assembly, or an air gap. Vacuum breakers for bedpan washer hoses shall not be located less than 5 feet (1524 mm) above the floor. Vacuum breakers for hose connections in health care or laboratory areas shall not be less than 6 feet (1829 mm) above the floor.

608.4 Water service piping.
Water service piping shall be protected in accordance with Sections 603.2 and 603.2.1.

608.5 Chemicals and other substances.
Chemicals and other substances that produce either toxic conditions, taste, odor or discoloration in a potable water system shall not be introduced into, or utilized in, such systems.

608.6 Cross-connection control.
Cross connections shall be prohibited, except where approved methods are installed to protect the potable water supply.

608.6.1 Private water supplies.
Cross connections between a private water supply and a potable public supply shall be prohibited.

608.7 Valves and outlets prohibited below grade.
Potable water outlets and combination stop-and-waste valves shall not be installed underground or below grade. Freezeproof yard hydrants that drain the riser into the ground are considered to be stop-and-waste valves.

Exception: Freezeproof yard hydrants that drain the riser into the ground shall be permitted to be installed, provided that the potable water supply to such hydrants is protected upstream of the hydrants in accordance with Section 608 and the hydrants are permanently identified as nonpotable outlets by approved signage that reads as follows: “Caution, Nonpotable Water. Do Not Drink.”

608.8 Identification of nonpotable water.
Where nonpotable water systems are installed, the piping conveying the nonpotable water shall be identified either by color marking or metal tags in accordance with Sections 608.8.1 through 608.8.3. All nonpotable water outlets such as hose connections, open ended pipes, and faucets shall be identified at the point of use for each outlet with the words, “Nonpotable—not safe for drinking.” The words shall be indelibly printed on a tag or sign constructed of corrosion-resistant waterproof material or shall be indelibly printed on the fixture. The letters of the words shall be not less than 0.5 inches (12.7 mm) in height and in colors in contrast to the background on which they are applied.

608.8.1 Information.
Pipe identification shall include the contents of the piping system and an arrow indicating the direction of flow. Hazardous piping systems shall also contain information addressing the nature of the hazard. Pipe identification shall be repeated at intervals not exceeding 25 feet (7620 mm) and at each point where the piping passes through a wall, floor or roof. Lettering shall be readily observable within the room or space where the piping is located.

608.8.2 Color.
The color of the pipe identification shall be discernable and consistent throughout the building. The color purple shall be used to identify reclaimed, rain and gray water distribution systems.

608.8.3 Size.
The size of the background color field and lettering shall comply with Table 608.8.3.

TABLE 608.8.3

3/4 to 11/4 8 0.5
11/2 to 2 8 0.75
21/2 to 6 12 1.25
8 to 10 24 2.5
over 10 32 3.5
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.

608.9 Reutilization prohibited.
Water utilized for the cooling of equipment or other processes shall not be returned to the potable water system. Such water shall be discharged into a drainage system through an air gap or shall be utilized for nonpotable purposes.

608.10 Reuse of piping.
Piping that has been utilized for any purpose other than conveying potable water shall not be utilized for conveying potable water.

608.11 Painting of water tanks.
The interior surface of a potable water tank shall not be lined, painted or repaired with any material that changes the taste, odor, color or potability of the water supply when the tank is placed in, or returned to, service.

608.12 Pumps and other appliances.
Water pumps, filters, softeners, tanks and other devices that handle or treat potable water shall be protected against contamination.

608.13 Backflow protection.
Means of protection against backflow shall be provided in accordance with Sections 608.13.1 through 608.13.9.

608.13.1 Air gap.
The minimum required air gap shall be measured vertically from the lowest end of a potable water outlet to the flood level rim of the fixture or receptacle into which such potable water outlet discharges. Air gaps shall comply with ASME A112.1.2 and air gap fittings shall comply with ASME A112.1.3.

608.13.2 Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies.
Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies shall conform to ASSE 1013, AWWA C511, CSA B64.4 or CSA B64.4.1. Reduced pressure detector assembly backflow preventers shall conform to ASSE 1047. These devices shall be permitted to be installed where subject to continuous pressure conditions. The relief opening shall discharge by air gap and shall be prevented from being submerged.

608.13.3 Backflow preventer with intermediate atmospheric vent.
Backflow preventers with intermediate atmospheric vents shall conform to ASSE 1012 or CSA B64.3. These devices shall be permitted to be installed where subject to continuous pressure conditions. The relief opening shall discharge by air gap and shall be prevented from being submerged.

608.13.4 Barometric loop.
Barometric loops shall precede the point of connection and shall extend vertically to a height of 35 feet (10 668 mm). A barometric loop shall only be utilized as an atmospheric-type or pressure-type vacuum breaker.

608.13.5 Pressure vacuum breaker assemblies.
Pressure vacuum breaker assemblies shall conform to ASSE 1020 or CSA B64.1.2. Spill-resistant vacuum breaker assemblies shall comply with ASSE 1056. These assemblies are designed for installation under continuous pressure conditions where the critical level is installed at the required height. Pressure vacuum breaker assemblies shall not be installed in locations where spillage could cause damage to the structure.

608.13.6 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers.
Pipe-applied atmospheric-type vacuum breakers shall conform to ASSE 1001 or CSA B64.1.1. Hose-connection vacuum breakers shall conform to ASSE 1011, ASSE 1019, ASSE 1035, ASSE 1052, CSA B64.2, CSA B64.2.1, CSA B64.2.1.1, CSA B64.2.2 or CSA B64.7. These devices shall operate under normal atmospheric pressure when the critical level is installed at the required height.

608.13.7 Double check-valve assemblies.
Double check-valve assemblies shall conform to ASSE 1015, CSA B64.5, CSA B64.5.1 or AWWA C510. Double-detector check-valve assemblies shall conform to ASSE 1048. These devices shall be capable of operating under continuous pressure conditions.

608.13.8 Spill-resistant pressure vacuum breaker assemblies.
Spill-resistant pressure vacuum breaker assemblies shall conform to ASSE 1056 or CSA B64.1.3. These assemblies are designed for installation under continuous-pressure conditions where the critical level is installed at the required height.

608.13.9 Chemical dispenser backflow devices.
Back-flow devices for chemical dispensers shall comply with ASSE 1055 or shall be equipped with an air gap fitting.

608.14 Location of backflow preventers.
Access shall be provided to backflow preventers as specified by the manufacturer’s instructions.

608.14.1 Outdoor enclosures for backflow prevention devices.
Outdoor enclosures for backflow prevention devices shall comply with ASSE 1060.

608.14.2 Protection of backflow preventers.
Backflow preventers shall not be located in areas subject to freezing except where they can be removed by means of unions or are protected from freezing by heat, insulation or both.

608.14.2.1 Relief port piping.
The termination of the piping from the relief port or air gap fitting of a backflow preventer shall discharge to an approved indirect waste receptor or to the outdoors where it will not cause damage or create a nuisance.

608.15 Protection of potable water outlets.
All potable water openings and outlets shall be protected against backflow in accordance with Section 608.15.1, 608.15.2, 608.15.3, 608.15.4, 608.15.4.1 or 608.15.4.2.

608.15.1 Protection by air gap.
Openings and outlets shall be protected by an air gap between the opening and the fixture flood level rim as specified in Table 608.15.1. Openings and outlets equipped for hose connection shall be protected by means other than an air gap.

TABLE 608.15.1

Away from a walla (inches) Close to a wall (inches)
Lavatories and other fixtures with effective opening not greater than 1/2 inch
in diameter
1 11/2
Sink, laundry trays, gooseneck back faucets and other fixtures with effective
openings not greater than 3/4 inch in diameter
11/2 21/2
Over-rim bath fillers and other fixtures with effective openings not greater
than 1 inch in diameter
2 3
Drinking water fountains, single orifice not greater than 7/16 inch in diameter
or multiple orifices with a total area of 0.150 square inch (area of circle
7/16 inch in diameter)
1 11/2
Effective openings greater than 1 inch Two times the diameter of the effective opening Three times the diameter of the effective opening
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
a. Applicable where walls or obstructions are spaced from the nearest inside-edge of the spout opening a distance greater than three times the diameter of the effective opening for a single wall, or a distance greater than four times the diameter of the effective opening for two intersecting walls.

608.15.2 Protection by reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.
Openings and outlets shall be protected by a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly or a reduced pressure principle fire protection backflow prevention assembly on potable water supplies.

608.15.3 Protection by a backflow preventer with intermediate atmospheric vent.
Openings and outlets shall be protected by a backflow preventer with an intermediate atmospheric vent.

608.15.4 Protection by a vacuum breaker.
Openings and outlets shall be protected by atmospheric-type or pressure-type vacuum breakers. The critical level of the vacuum breaker shall be set not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood level rim of the fixture or device. Fill valves shall be set in accordance with Section 425.3.1. Vacuum breakers shall not be installed under exhaust hoods or similar locations that will contain toxic fumes or vapors. Pipe-applied vacuum breakers shall be installed not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood level rim of the fixture, receptor or device served.

608.15.4.1 Deck-mounted and integral vacuum breakers.
Approved deck-mounted or equipment-mounted vacuum breakers and faucets with integral atmospheric vacuum breakers or spill-resistant vacuum breaker assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and the requirements for labeling with the critical level not less than 1 inch (25 mm) above the flood level rim.

608.15.4.2 Hose connections.
Sillcocks, hose bibbs, wall hydrants and other openings with a hose connection shall be protected by an atmospheric-type or pressure-type vacuum breaker or a permanently attached hose connection vacuum breaker.


1. This section shall not apply to water heater and boiler drain valves that are provided with hose connection threads and that are intended only for tank or vessel draining.

2. This section shall not apply to water supply valves intended for connection of clothes washing machines where backflow prevention is otherwise provided or is integral with the machine.

608.16 Connections to the potable water system.
Connections to the potable water system shall conform to Sections 608.16.1 through 608.16.10.

608.16.1 Beverage dispensers.
The water supply connection to beverage dispensers shall be protected against backflow by a backflow preventer conforming to ASSE 1022 or by an air gap. The portion of the backflow preventer device downstream from the second check valve and the piping downstream therefrom shall not be affected by carbon dioxide gas.

608.16.2 Connections to boilers.
The potable supply to the boiler shall be equipped with a backflow preventer with an intermediate atmospheric vent complying with ASSE 1012 or CSA B64.3. Where conditioning chemicals are introduced into the system, the potable water connection shall be protected by an air gap or a reduced pressure principle backflow preventer, complying with ASSE 1013, CSA B64.4 or AWWA C511.

608.16.3 Heat exchangers.
Heat exchangers utilizing an essentially toxic transfer fluid shall be separated from the potable water by double-wall construction. An air gap open to the atmosphere shall be provided between the two walls. Heat exchangers utilizing an essentially nontoxic transfer fluid shall be permitted to be of single-wall construction.

608.16.4 Connections to automatic fire sprinkler systems and standpipe systems.
The potable water supply to automatic fire sprinkler and standpipe systems shall be protected against backflow by a double check backflow prevention assembly, a double check fire protection backflow prevention assembly or a reduced pressure principle fire protection backflow prevention assembly.


1. Where systems are installed as a portion of the water distribution system in accordance with the requirements of this code and are not provided with a fire department connection, isolation of the water supply system shall not be required.

2. Isolation of the water distribution system is not required for deluge, preaction or dry pipe systems.

608.16.4.1 Additives or nonpotable source.
Where systems under continuous pressure contain chemical additives or antifreeze, or where systems are connected to a nonpotable secondary water supply, the potable water supply shall be protected against backflow by a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly or a reduced pressure principle fire protection backflow prevention assembly. Where chemical additives or antifreeze are added to only a portion of an automatic fire sprinkler or standpipe system, the reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly or the reduced pressure principle fire protection backflow prevention assembly shall be permitted to be located so as to isolate that portion of the system. Where systems are not under continuous pressure, the potable water supply shall be protected against backflow by an air gap or an atmospheric vacuum breaker conforming to ASSE 1001 or CSA B64.1.1.

608.16.5 Connections to lawn irrigation systems.
The potable water supply to lawn irrigation systems shall be protected against backflow by an atmospheric vacuum breaker, a pressure vacuum breaker assembly or a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly. Valves shall not be installed downstream from an atmospheric vacuum breaker. Where chemicals are introduced into the system, the potable water supply shall be protected against backflow by a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.

608.16.6 Connections subject to backpressure.
Where a potable water connection is made to a nonpotable line, fixture, tank, vat, pump or other equipment subject to high- hazard back-pressure, the potable water connection shall be protected by a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.

608.16.7 Chemical dispensers.
Where chemical dispensers connect to the potable water distribution system, the water supply system shall be protected against backflow in accordance with Section 608.13.1, 608.13.2, 608.13.5, 608.13.6, 608.13.8 or 608.13.9.

608.16.8 Portable cleaning equipment.
Where the portable cleaning equipment connects to the water distribution system, the water supply system shall be protected against backflow in accordance with Section 608.13.1, 608.13.2, 608.13.3, 608.13.7 or 608.13.8.

608.16.9 Dental pump equipment.
Where dental pumping equipment connects to the water distribution system, the water supply system shall be protected against backflow in accordance with Section 608.13.1, 608.13.2, 608.13.5, 608.13.6 or 608.13.8.

608.16.10 Coffee machines and noncarbonated beverage dispensers.
The water supply connection to coffee machines and noncarbonated beverage dispensers shall be protected against backflow by a backflow preventer conforming to ASSE 1022 or by an air gap.

608.17 Protection of individual water supplies.
An individual water supply shall be located and constructed so as to be safeguarded against contamination in accordance with Sections 608.17.1 through 608.17.8.

608.17.1 Well locations.
A potable ground water source or pump suction line shall not be located closer to potential sources of contamination than the distances shown in Table 608.17.1. In the event the underlying rock structure is limestone or fragmented shale, the local or state health department shall be consulted on well site location. The distances in Table 608.17.1 constitute minimum separation and shall be increased in areas of creviced rock or limestone, or where the direction of movement of the ground water is from sources of contamination toward the well.

TABLE 608.17.1

Barnyard 100
Farm silo 25
Pasture 100
Pumphouse floor drain of cast iron draining
to ground surface
Seepage pits 50
Septic tank 25
Sewer 10
Subsurface disposal fields 50
Subsurface pits 50
For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm.

608.17.2 Elevation.
Well sites shall be positively drained and shall be at higher elevations than potential sources of contamination.

608.17.3 Depth.
Private potable well supplies shall not be developed from a water table less than 10 feet (3048 mm) below the ground surface.

608.17.4 Water-tight casings.
Each well shall be provided with a water-tight casing extending to not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) below the ground surface. Casings shall extend not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the well platform. Casings shall be large enough to permit installation of a separate drop pipe. Casings shall be sealed at the bottom in an impermeable stratum or extend several feet into the water-bearing stratum.

608.17.5 Drilled or driven well casings.
Drilled or driven well casings shall be of steel or other approved material. Where drilled wells extend into a rock formation, the well casing shall extend to and set firmly in the formation. The annular space between the earth and the outside of the casing shall be filled with cement grout to a depth of not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) below the ground surface. In an instance of casing to rock installation, the grout shall extend to the rock surface.

608.17.6 Dug or bored well casings.
Dug or bored well casings shall be of water-tight concrete, tile, or galvanized or corrugated metal pipe extending to not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) below the ground surface. Where the water table is more than 10 feet (3048 mm) below the ground surface, the water-tight casing shall extend below the table surface. Well casings for dug wells or bored wells constructed with sections of concrete, tile, or galvanized or corrugated metal pipe shall be surrounded by 6 inches (152 mm) of grout poured into the hole between the outside of the casing and the ground and extending not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) below the ground surface.

608.17.7 Cover.
Potable water wells shall be equipped with an overlapping water-tight cover at the top of the well casing or pipe sleeve such that contaminated water or other substances are prevented from entering the well through the annular opening at the top of the well casing, wall or pipe sleeve. Covers shall extend downward not less than 2 inches (51 mm) over the outside of the well casing or wall. A dug well cover shall be provided with a pipe sleeve permitting the withdrawal of the pump suction pipe, cylinder or jet body without disturbing the cover. Where pump sections or discharge pipes enter or leave a well through the side of the casing, the circle of contact shall be water tight.

608.17.8 Drainage.
Potable water wells and springs shall be constructed such that surface drainage will be diverted away from the well or spring.


609.1 Scope.
This section shall govern those aspects of health care plumbing systems that differ from plumbing systems in other structures. Health care plumbing systems shall conform to the requirements of this section in addition to the other requirements of this code. The provisions of this section shall apply to the special devices and equipment installed and maintained in the following occupancies: nursing homes, homes for the aged, orphanages, infirmaries, first aid stations, psychiatric facilities, clinics, professional offices of dentists and doctors, mortuaries, educational facilities, surgery, dentistry, research and testing laboratories, establishments manufacturing pharmaceutical drugs and medicines, and other structures with similar apparatus and equipment classified as plumbing.

609.2 Water service.
Hospitals shall have two water service pipes installed in such a manner so as to minimize the potential for an interruption of the supply of water in the event of a water main or water service pipe failure.

609.3 Hot water.
Hot water shall be provided to supply all of the hospital fixture, kitchen and laundry requirements. Special fixtures and equipment shall have hot water supplied at a temperature specified by the manufacturer. The hot water system shall be installed in accordance with Section 607.

609.4 Vacuum breaker installation.
Vacuum breakers shall be installed not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood level rim of the fixture or device in accordance with Section 608. The flood level rim of hose connections shall be the maximum height at which any hose is utilized.

609.5 Prohibited water closet and clinical sink supply.
Jet-or water-supplied orifices, except those supplied by the flush connections, shall not be located in or connected with a water closet bowl or clinical sink. This section shall not prohibit an approved bidet installation.

609.6 Clinical, hydrotherapeutic and radiological equipment.
Clinical, hydrotherapeutic, radiological or any equipment that is supplied with water or that discharges to the waste system shall conform to the requirements of this section and Section 608.

609.7 Condensate drain trap seal.
A water supply shall be provided for cleaning, flushing and resealing the condensate trap, and the trap shall discharge through an air gap in accordance with Section 608.

609.8 Valve leakage diverter.
Each water sterilizer filled with water through directly connected piping shall be equipped with an approved leakage diverter or bleed line on the water supply control valve to indicate and conduct any leakage of unsterile water away from the sterile zone.


610.1 General.
New or repaired potable water systems shall be purged of deleterious matter and disinfected prior to utilization. The method to be followed shall be that prescribed by the health authority or water purveyor having jurisdiction or, in the absence of a prescribed method, the procedure described in either AWWA C651 or AWWA C652, or as described in this section. This requirement shall apply to “on-site” or “in-plant” fabrication of a system or to a modular portion of a system.

1. The pipe system shall be flushed with clean, potable water until dirty water does not appear at the points of outlet.

2. The system or part thereof shall be filled with a water/chlorine solution containing not less than 50 parts per million (50 mg/L) of chlorine, and the system or part thereof shall be valved off and allowed to stand for 24 hours; or the system or part thereof shall be filled with a water/chlorine solution containing not less than 200 parts per million (200 mg/L) of chlorine and allowed to stand for 3 hours.

3. Following the required standing time, the system shall be flushed with clean potable water until the chlorine is purged from the system.

4. The procedure shall be repeated where shown by a bacteriological examination that contamination remains present in the system.


611.1 Design.
Drinking water treatment units shall meet the requirements of NSF42, NSF 44, NSF 53, NSF 62 or CSA B483.1.

611.2 Reverse osmosis systems.
The discharge from a reverse osmosis drinking water treatment unit shall enter the drainage system through an air gap or an air gap device that meets the requirements of NSF 58 or CSA B483.1.

611.3 Connection tubing.
The tubing to and from drinking water treatment units shall be of a size and material as recommended by the manufacturer. The tubing shall comply with NSF 14, NSF 42, NSF 44, NSF 53, NSF 58 or NSF 61.


612.1 Solar systems.
The construction, installation, alterations and repair of systems, equipment and appliances intended to utilize solar energy for space heating or cooling, domestic hot water heating, swimming pool heating or process heating shall be in accordance with the International Mechanical Code.


613.1 Temperature-actuated mixing valves.
Temperature-actuated mixing valves, which are installed to reduce water temperatures to defined limits, shall comply with ASSE 1017. Such valves shall be installed at the hot water source.